Home Drinks Orange Tea Shot Recipe

Orange Tea Shot Recipe

by Chef Gabby
orange tea shot

I have always looked for creative ways to enhance the tea-drinking experience. This delightful concoction not only tantalizes your taste buds but also provides a refreshing burst of energy – the perfect pick-me-up for any time of day!

Imagine the refreshing aroma of freshly brewed tea mingling harmoniously with the tangy, sweet notes of oranges. The Orange Tea Shot is a match made in heaven, elevating the classic tea experience to new heights. Whether you’re hosting a cozy tea party, seeking an alternative to your morning coffee, or just craving a unique and flavorful beverage, this recipe will surely hit all the right notes.

How to make Orange Tea Shot

Orange tea shot is a delicious, naturally-flavored beverage that has many health benefits. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and can be made with either a tea bag or loose leaves. It has a very mild orange taste with a hint of sweetness.

It is an energy drink that combines the delicious taste of orange tea with caffeine to give you a natural boost without any artificial ingredients.

What is an orange tea shot made of?

  • 1 cup of freshly brewed black tea (You can use your favorite black tea blends, such as Earl Grey or English Breakfast, for a robust base)
  • 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (approximately one large orange)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of ice cubes
  • Orange zest or slices for garnish (optional)


Step 1: Brew the Tea 

Start by brewing a cup of your favorite black tea. You can use loose tea leaves or tea bags, following the recommended brewing time for your chosen tea. The robust flavors of black tea will serve as the perfect foundation for our Orange Tea Shot.

Step 2: Squeeze the Orange 

While the tea is steeping, extract the fresh juice from a large orange. Remove any seeds or pulp to achieve a smooth and velvety texture in your shot.

Step 3: Sweeten the Shot 

In a small bowl, mix the freshly squeezed orange juice with honey. Adjust the amount of honey to your desired level of sweetness. The natural sweetness of the oranges combined with the honey will balance the tea’s bitterness and create a harmonious flavor profile.

Step 4: Enhance the Flavor 

Stir in the vanilla extract to infuse a subtle yet delightful note of richness to the shot. The vanilla will complement the citrusy tang of the oranges and the deep, earthy tones of the black tea.

Step 5: Chill it Down 

Add the ice cubes to the sweetened orange juice mixture to chill it. Adding ice will not only cool down the shot but also dilute it slightly, ensuring a refreshing and easy-to-sip beverage.

Step 6: Combine and Serve 

Once the tea has finished steeping, pour it into a cocktail shaker or a large mason jar. Add the chilled sweetened orange juice mixture to the tea. Give it a good shake or stir to blend all the flavors together.

Step 7: Garnish and Enjoy 

Pour the Orange Tea Shot into shot glasses or small teacups. Garnish with a twist of orange zest or a thin slice of orange. The bright and cheery garnish adds a pop of color and intensifies the citrusy aroma.


  1. Experiment with Tea Varieties: While black tea provides a robust base, don’t hesitate to experiment with other tea types like green tea or herbal teas. Each variation will offer a unique twist to the Orange Tea Shot.
  2. Temperature Control: Allow the freshly brewed tea to cool slightly before combining it with the sweetened orange juice. This will prevent the ice from melting too quickly and ensure your shot doesn’t become watered down.
  3. Customize Sweetness: Adjust the sweetness level according to your taste preferences. If you prefer a less sweet shot, reduce the amount of honey, or leave it out altogether if the oranges are already sweet enough.
  4. Make it Boozy (Optional): For those looking to add a spirited touch to their shot, a splash of vodka or orange liqueur can transform the Orange Tea Shot into a delightful cocktail for special occasions.
  5. Serve Chilled: The Orange Tea Shot is best served chilled, especially on warm days or as an energizing pick-me-up in the afternoon.
  6. Enjoy Responsibly: While it may be tempting to indulge in several shots due to its delightful taste, remember to enjoy this beverage in moderation.

What to serve with

When serving orange tea shots, the goal is to balance textures, flavors, and nutrients. So, let’s unveil some idyllic pairings that can transform your simple tea time into a burst of indulgence.

1. Sandwiches

Small bite-size sandwiches are the time-honored companions of any tea. Opt for creamy fillings like cucumber-cream cheese or classic egg-salad sandwiches. Trust me, the richness of these sandwiches will compliment the tangy zest of the orange tea shot beautifully.

2. Sweet Delicacies

  • Scones: Drop the heavy desserts and pick up a light, fluffy scone! Blueberry or raisin scones would make a spectacular pairing. Don’t forget to serve with a side of clotted cream and strawberry jam.
  • Shortbread cookies: These buttery delights are another delightful match for our citrusy star. Their subtle sweetness balances out the tartness of the tea.
  • Madeleines: These small, shell-shaped cakes offer just the perfect amount of sweetness to pair with your refreshing orange tea shot.

3. Cheese Platter

A mini cheese platter can enhance your tea experience by adding a gourmet touch. Choose a variety of cheeses – like brie, camembert, or aged cheddar. Throw in a few crackers, and you have an impromptu tea party!

4. Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits can bring in a refreshing element to contrast the strong, tangy flavor of the orange tea shot. Consider a fruit salad or fruit skewers containing a mix of berries, grapes, or tropical fruits like chunks of pineapple or mango.

5. Nutty Delights

A small assortment of your favorite nuts like almonds, pistachios, or walnuts can also work well with the tea.

Final Thoughts

Orange Tea shot is simply a delicious mixture of orange juice and tea. It’s easy to make, healthy and can be enjoyed on any warm day. This recipe combines sweetened tea with fresh squeezed orange juice for a refreshing beverage. The hardest part of this recipe is simply juicing the orange!

More Drink Recipes:

orange tea shot

Orange Tea Shot Recipe

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 47 calories 0 gram fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 2 voted )


  • 1 cup of freshly brewed black tea (You can use your favorite black tea blends, such as Earl Grey or English Breakfast, for a robust base)
  • 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (approximately one large orange)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup of ice cubes
  • Orange zest or slices for garnish (optional)


Step 1: Brew the Tea 

Start by brewing a cup of your favorite black tea. You can use loose tea leaves or tea bags, following the recommended brewing time for your chosen tea. The robust flavors of black tea will serve as the perfect foundation for our Orange Tea Shot.

Step 2: Squeeze the Orange 

While the tea is steeping, extract the fresh juice from a large orange. Remove any seeds or pulp to achieve a smooth and velvety texture in your shot.

Step 3: Sweeten the Shot 

In a small bowl, mix the freshly squeezed orange juice with honey. Adjust the amount of honey to your desired level of sweetness. The natural sweetness of the oranges combined with the honey will balance the tea's bitterness and create a harmonious flavor profile.

Step 4: Enhance the Flavor 

Stir in the vanilla extract to infuse a subtle yet delightful note of richness to the shot. The vanilla will complement the citrusy tang of the oranges and the deep, earthy tones of the black tea.

Step 5: Chill it Down 

Add the ice cubes to the sweetened orange juice mixture to chill it. Adding ice will not only cool down the shot but also dilute it slightly, ensuring a refreshing and easy-to-sip beverage.

Step 6: Combine and Serve 

Once the tea has finished steeping, pour it into a cocktail shaker or a large mason jar. Add the chilled sweetened orange juice mixture to the tea. Give it a good shake or stir to blend all the flavors together.

Step 7: Garnish and Enjoy 

Pour the Orange Tea Shot into shot glasses or small teacups. Garnish with a twist of orange zest or a thin slice of orange. The bright and cheery garnish adds a pop of color and intensifies the citrusy aroma.

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