Home Pork Chilindrinas Recipe

Chilindrinas Recipe

by Chef Gabby
chilindrinas recipe

There’s something enchanting about the way food can transport us to distant lands and cultures, evoking memories and emotions with every bite. Today, I’m thrilled to take you on a culinary adventure that’s close to my heart – the irresistible realm of chilindrinas. Just the name conjures up a world of vibrant flavors, spicy tang, and a delightful mix of unique textures.

Join me as we delve into the heart of this beloved recipe, sharing not just the culinary secrets but the personal stories that make it a cherished dish in my journey.

How to make chilindrinas

Chilindrinas, also known as “Chicharrón Preparado” or “Duritos,” is a popular Mexican street food snack combining crunchy and flavorful ingredients to create a unique and delicious eating experience. The dish typically features fried pork rinds (chicharrones), duros pellets, and an assortment of fresh vegetables and sauces.


  • Fried Pork Rinds (Pickled or Regular): The star of the show, fried pork rinds provide that unmistakable crunch and savory flavor that anchors the dish. You can opt for regular pork rinds or pickled ones for extra tanginess.
  • Duros Pellets: When fried, these hard, uncooked wheat pellets puff up to crispy perfection. They contribute to the dish’s distinctive texture, offering a delightful contrast to the pork rinds.
  • 1 Cabbage (Shredded): The shredded cabbage adds a refreshing and slightly earthy crunch to the mix. It provides a balancing freshness to the otherwise rich and spicy components.
  • 2 Tomatoes (Medium-sized Cubes): Fresh tomatoes introduce juiciness and a burst of color to the dish. Their mild sweetness counteracts the heat from the hot sauce, contributing to a harmonious blend of flavors.
  • 1 Avocado (Sliced): Creamy slices of avocado bring a luxurious, buttery element to the chilindrinas. They offer a cooling effect and create a delightful interplay of textures.
  • Valentina Hot Sauce (or Any Other Hot Sauce of Your Choice): Hot sauce is the fiery heart of chilindrinas. Valentina Hot Sauce, a popular choice, infuses the dish with bold heat and a hint of acidity. However, you can choose your preferred hot sauce to customize the spice level.
  • Mexican Crema: This rich and tangy cream adds a lusciousness that complements the spicy elements. Its velvety texture provides a smooth contrast to the crunchy ingredients.


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Shred the cabbage, cube the tomatoes, and slice the avocado. Set these aside for later use.
  2. Fry the Duros Pellets: Heat enough oil for frying over medium-high heat in a deep pan or pot. Add the Duros pellets one by one, being cautious as they puff up and expand rapidly. Fry until they turn golden and crispy, then remove and drain excess oil on paper towels.
  3. Mix the Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the fried pork rinds, duros pellets, shredded cabbage, cubed tomatoes, and sliced avocado. Gently toss the ingredients together to ensure an even distribution.
  4. Add Heat and Creaminess: Drizzle the Valentina Hot Sauce over the mixture according to your preferred spice level. Next, spoon in the Mexican crema, creating a creamy layer that balances out the spiciness.
  5. Toss and Serve: Carefully toss the mixture once more, ensuring the hot sauce and crema coat all the ingredients. The combination of textures and flavors should be visually appealing and inviting.


  • Customize Spice Levels: Adjust the Valentina Hot Sauce amount to your preferred spiciness level. Remember, you can always start with a little and add more as needed.
  • Experiment with Additions: While the traditional recipe is fantastic, feel free to get creative. Add diced onions, chopped cilantro, or even a squeeze of lime for extra zing.
  • Serve Immediately: Chilindrinas are best enjoyed fresh, so serve them soon after preparation to retain their crunchy textures.
  • Texture Matters: The beauty of chilindrinas lies in the balance of textures – crispy, creamy, and crunchy. Be mindful of how you assemble and mix the ingredients to ensure a delightful mouthfeel.

What to serve with?

Serving Chilindrinas is all about creating a balanced and satisfying experience that brings out the flavors and textures of this unique Mexican street food snack. Here’s a detailed guide on what to serve with:

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Sides and Accompaniments:

  • Lime Wedges: Provide lime wedges on the side to allow diners to squeeze fresh lime juice over their Chilindrinas. The citrusy tanginess of the lime cuts through the richness of the dish and adds a burst of freshness.
  • Sliced Radishes: Sliced radishes are a common accompaniment in Mexican cuisine. They offer a mild, crisp texture and a slightly peppery flavor that complements the spicy and savory elements of Chilindrinas.
  • Chopped Cilantro: Fresh cilantro adds an herbaceous and aromatic element to the dish. Its bright flavor enhances the overall taste and provides a refreshing contrast.
  • Pickled Jalapeños: If you’re a fan of extra heat, serve pickled jalapeños on the side. Diners can add these to their Chilindrinas for an additional kick of spiciness.


  • Agua Fresca: Agua fresca, a refreshing fruit-infused water, is a popular beverage choice to pair with Chilindrinas. Options like agua de jamaica (hibiscus), agua de tamarindo (tamarind), or agua de horchata (cinnamon rice milk) provide a cooling contrast to the spicy flavors.
  • Mexican Soda: For a more indulgent treat, serve Mexican sodas like Jarritos or Sidral Mundet. Their fruity and vibrant flavors complement the street food vibe of Chilindrinas.
  • Michelada: If you’re looking for a beverage with a spicy kick, a Michelada could be an exciting option. This Mexican beer cocktail combines beer, lime juice, hot sauce, and various seasonings for a tangy and spicy drink that pairs well with the flavors of Chilindrinas.


  • Serve in Bowls or Cups: Present Chilindrinas in individual serving bowls or cups. This allows for easy mixing and enjoyment without the need for additional utensils.
  • Garnish with Fresh Herbs: Sprinkle chopped cilantro or parsley on top of the Chilindrinas for an attractive and aromatic garnish.
  • Colorful Plates: Serve the Chilindrinas on vibrant and colorful plates to visually enhance the appeal of the dish.

Setting and Atmosphere:

  • Casual Gathering: Chilindrinas are well-suited for casual gatherings, picnics, or outdoor parties. The communal nature of the dish encourages sharing and mingling.
  • Festive Atmosphere: Embrace the festive spirit by setting up a Mexican-inspired ambiance with colorful decorations, music, and perhaps even a sombrero or two for added flair.

Final Thoughts

As we took a deep dive into the heart of this beloved Mexican street food, we discovered that Chilindrinas is not just a dish but a testament to the rich tapestry of flavors and stories that make up the vibrant tapestry of Mexican cuisine. The harmonious marriage of textures – the crispy, the creamy, and the crunchy – takes us on a sensory voyage that indulges the palate and tugs at our heartstrings.

More Delicious Mexican Dishes:

chilindrinas recipe


Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 4.0/5
( 2 voted )


  • Fried Pork Rinds (Pickled or Regular)
  • Duros Pellets
  • 1 Cabbage (Shredded)
  • 2 Tomatoes (Medium-sized Cubes)
  • 1 Avocado (Sliced)
  • Valentina Hot Sauce (or Any Other Hot Sauce of Your Choice)
  • Mexican Crema


  1. Prepare the Ingredients: Shred the cabbage, cube the tomatoes, and slice the avocado. Set these aside for later use.
  2. Fry the Duros Pellets: Heat enough oil for frying over medium-high heat in a deep pan or pot. Add the Duros pellets one by one, being cautious as they puff up and expand rapidly. Fry until they turn golden and crispy, then remove and drain excess oil on paper towels.
  3. Mix the Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the fried pork rinds, duros pellets, shredded cabbage, cubed tomatoes, and sliced avocado. Gently toss the ingredients together to ensure an even distribution.
  4. Add Heat and Creaminess: Drizzle the Valentina Hot Sauce over the mixture according to your preferred spice level. Next, spoon in the Mexican crema, creating a creamy layer that balances out the spiciness.
  5. Toss and Serve: Carefully toss the mixture once more, ensuring the hot sauce and crema coat all the ingredients. The combination of textures and flavors should be visually appealing and inviting.

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